About Olds Chiropractic and Massage

Our Practice Philosophy
At Olds Chiropractic and Massage, we are committed to helping people become more active, whatever that may mean for them. For some people, it’s enjoying a sport, for others, it’s working, and for many, it’s playing with their kids or grandkids. Whatever your priorities are, Dr. Adams wants to help you achieve them by providing care that allows you to live a healthier, more mobile life.
Most people have some amount of stiffness and soreness, whatever their age. Our lives, jobs and technology cause us to use our bodies in repetitive ways or to sit, stand or move in ways that put stress on the spine, joints and soft tissues. We create customized care plans, depending on your specific needs and goals, to help you feel better and move better. Then we incorporate at-home exercises and maintenance care to keep you feeling better.
Coming to the Mountains
Dr. Adams is from Sudbury, Ontario and, after graduating from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 2013, he returned home and practiced there for several years. His lifestyle and interests have always made living near the mountains a dream for him, and in 2021 he realised that dream by purchasing Olds Chiropractic and Massage from Dr. Boyter, who was retiring after 41 years in practice.
Making You Feel Safe and Welcome
We’ve been in the same location for decades, and the décor hasn’t changed too much in that time. It’s a very clean, welcoming space with TV to watch during your very short wait time, country music playing and front desk staff who have worked here for as long as twenty years. They know nearly everybody, and they’re cheerful, relaxed and welcoming.
Start Today
We look forward to welcoming you into our care. Contact us today to schedule.